Start using ChatGPT instantly


Experience the Power of AI, Instantly

At OpenAI, our core mission is to democratize artificial intelligence, allowing seamless access to its transformative powers. With ChatGPT, our cutting-edge AI tool, over 100 million users across 185 countries engage weekly to unlock new knowledge, spark creativity, and find solutions to a myriad of queries. In an exciting development, we’re thrilled to announce that starting today, you can dive into the world of ChatGPT instantly—no sign-up required! This change is part of our phased approach to make AI accessible to everyone, catering to those eager to explore AI without the initial barriers of account creation.

Privacy and Customization at Your Fingertips

Your interaction with ChatGPT helps us improve and refine our models, enhancing the AI experience for all. We understand the importance of privacy and control, which is why you have the option to disable this data usage directly in your Settings, regardless of whether you choose to create an account. To understand more about how we use the data to train our models and the choices available to you, visit our Help Center.

Enhanced Safety Features

With the rollout of the no-sign-up feature, we’ve also fortified the platform with additional content safeguards. These new measures include more extensive blocking of prompts and responses across a broader spectrum of sensitive categories, ensuring a safer and more responsible AI interaction environment.

Benefits of Joining Our Community

While using ChatGPT without an account gets you started on your AI journey, signing up offers numerous advantages. As a registered user, you can save and review your chat history, share conversations, and access exclusive features like voice interactions and custom instructions. These tools are designed to enrich your experience and provide personalized engagement with AI.

Start Exploring Today

For those who have been intrigued by AI’s potential but hesitant about the setup process, the barrier has been removed. Begin your exploration with ChatGPT today and join millions in experiencing the future of technology, no strings attached!